This resource pack contains an assortment of 10 “Our Song Choice Boards” , 21 Nursery Rhyme Song picture icons and an assortment of 36 “Sing/Song” Picture Icons.
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The Nursery Rhymes/Songs Picture Icons included in this pack are:
•Rain Rain Go Away
•Humpty Dumpty
•Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
•Five Little Ducks
•Hickory Dickory Dock
•Hey Diddle Diddle
•Pat A Cake, Pat A Cake
•Incy Wincy
•Baa Baa Black Sheep
•Old Mac Donald
•I’m A little Teapot
•Five Little Monkeys
•Once I Caught A Fish Alive
•Wind The Bobbin Up
•Row Row Row The Boat
•Wheels On The Bus
•Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
•Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
•Bingo The Dog
•Ten In The Bed
The assortment of “Sing/Song” picture icons are included with differing colour backgrounds to provide variety.