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The listing is for a Nursery Rhyme Song Book. The resource contains 17 pages of Nursery Rhymes loved by my little ones and sang daily as part of our early intervention therapy at home program. Each page contains the words to the Listed song together with colourful imagery associated with the song.
Print off this resource in colour. Laminate each page, use a book binder or book rings to create a book from your laminated pages.
Encourage your student to pick a song and then sing the song chose. Pausing at times to encourage your student to sing a portion of the song themselves. You can verbally prompt your student by saying the starting sound of the word you want them to “fill in” or begin to sound out the word, still allowing time for the student to try themselves.
If your student can read, use a dry erase marker to black out certain words on the page and while you/your student sing the song ask them to verbally tell you what the missing word is.
I do this routine at home with my little ones and it has really help to develop their intraverbal skills.
The songs included in this resource are:
Incy Wincy Spider
Miss Polly had a Dolly
Old Mac Donald
I’m a little tea pot
One, two, buckle my shoe
Wind the bobbin up
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Wheels on the Bus
Row, Row The Boat
Humpty Dumpty
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Five Little Monkeys
Jack and Jill
Five Little Ducks
Twinkle Twinkle